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22/06/22 - ZÜRICH
Premiere of the show Zerrissenheit at ZhDK

28/06/22 - ZÜRICH
Premiere of the show Eunoia 2.0 – prostitution of stories at Kulturhaus Helferei

26/09/22 - 1/10/22 - BILBAO
First week of artistic residency at Casa Kuna of the Begirada Artean project. In collaboration with Sala BBK y Kultiba.

17/10/22 - 20/10/22 - BILBAO
Second week of artistic residency at Casa Kuna of the Begirada Artean project. In collaboration with Sala BBK y Kultiba.

21/10/22 - 22/10/22 - BILBAO.
Premiere of the show Begirada Artean.